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THT Publishes Strategies for a Healthy Trenton

Trenton Health Team recently published a new five-year strategic plan introducing a Vision for a Healthy Trenton and outlining steps to achieve it.

THT has been serving Trenton since 2006, as a community health care collaborative created in response to the closure of Mercer Medical Center and dedicated to improving access to quality healthcare for residents.

Over the years, THT’s focus has expanded to meet the range of health concerns affecting our community. Along with partners working in the community and healthcare system, THT understands health and well-being are inextricably linked to housing quality, food security, neighborhood safety, education and social inequities disproportionately affecting Trenton residents.

Strategies for a Healthy Trenton includes a Vision for a Healthy Trenton incorporating these social determinants of health and defining a “healthy Trenton” that includes:

Healthy Environment & Housing
A city where people want to live, work, worship, learn and play

Vibrant Public Spaces
Clean, green, and accessible spaces that invite recreation, including neighborhood parks and an active, developed waterfront

Growing Economy
Stable businesses, job growth, increased median income, equalized opportunity, and a growing middle class 

Effective Education
Youth development pipeline, rising graduation rates, adult education opportunities supporting better jobs, and greater community engagement

Healthy Food
Nutritious options available in schools, restaurants, and grocery stores, leveraging urban agriculture; a society with capacity for healthier eating habits

Improved Safety
Reductions in violent crime, gangs, interpersonal violence and trauma; safe maintained streets supporting all users (“complete streets”) and public spaces enabling community interaction

Equity and Social Cohesion
Per connections and civic muscle leveraged to reduce disparities and meet community need; accessible support for families and caregivers

Quality Healthcare
People-centered, integrated, and holistic care; a focus on prevention, inclusivity, accessibility, and cultural competence for all populations

THT also outlined strategies for moving Trenton toward this ambitious vision, including:

  1. Convene diverse partners in Trenton to improve health, well-being and health equity
  2. Analyze and share data to improve clinical care, public health and well-being
  3. Enact direct interventions with priority populations to fill gaps in care and services
  4. Define and communicate our value to stakeholders to ensure long-term sustainability
  5. Advocate for policies that improve health and well-being and are supported by the community

THT understands that realizing our Vision for a Health Trenton requires embracing a broader view of health and well-being, and reaching out to new partners for new ways to build on community assets and improve outcomes for those calling Trenton home.

Download Strategies for a Healthy Trenton to learn how THT plans to implement these strategies and enhance health and well-being in Trenton over the next three to five years . 

