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Who We Serve

Trenton Health Team serves residents of greater Trenton, working with partners in the community and healthcare system to improve health and well-being across our city.

Trenton has a proud tradition as the Capital City of New Jersey and, whether we reside in the city or not, we are all invested in its success. Each THT member understands we work with the Trenton community, as partners and neighbors.

Both in our behavior and in the way we speak about and write about our programs, THT respects patients, providers, and community members. Indeed, respect is at the core of how we do our work, make strategic decisions and interact.

Trenton is a diverse community of about 85,000 residents, including about 45.5% African-American, 38.7% Hispanic/Latino, 24.7% white, about 1.1% Asian and 8.5% multiracial or other. More than 26% of residents have income below the federal poverty line, compared to about 9.7% statewide.  Median income in Trenton is about $44,444, compared to $97,126 for New Jersey.

To realize our Vision for a Healthy Trenton, THT must embrace a broader view of health and well-being in the community and consider how THT can work, along with partners, to advance that objective.

Despite many challenges, collaborative efforts have been under way for more than a decade, addressing critical issues of health, educational and economic opportunity, and the environment. These efforts recognize that health must be defined broadly, that equal opportunity for health is essential, and that progress can only be sustained through systems changes and policy-oriented long-term solutions.

If we fail to act now, the situation may become even more challenging.