Health Equity
Everyone should have the capacity to live healthy and happy lives, yet that is not the case in the greater Trenton area. In any given year, Trenton residents are significantly more likely to die (991.5 deaths for 100,000) than their neighbors in Mercer County as a whole (740.0 deaths per 100,000 population) or the state of New Jersey (742.0). Disparities exist in many health conditions including diabetes (14.4% of Trenton residents compared to 8.2% of Mercer County residents), heart disease (5.9% compared to 5.3%), and asthma (11.9% compared to 9.4%).

Race is a significant factor in these disparities with Black/African AMerican residents of Mercer County significantly showing a higher death rate (1065.2 per 100,000 population) than all other racial groups.
Community conditions shape the exposure and behaviors that encourage–or undermine–health and well-being.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified structural catalysts such as inequitable distribution of power, money, opportunity and resources, as a key determinant of health and safety outcomes. Poverty, racism, and lack of educational and economic opportunity also drive poor health, that further contributes to chronic stress. WHO reports that “cumulative experience” affects health and well-being more than chronological age.
In Trenton, glaring inequity exists between the city and neighboring areas, as well as within our state. For example: