Complete Streets in the City of Trenton – 2018 May
This report was prepared by the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center (VTC) at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
Trenton Health Team is focused on evidence-based solutions to address the physical environment, economic revitalization, housing and other social determinants of health as part of its Transforming Communities Initiative (TCI).
THT identified Complete Streets–streets designed to balance the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, transit, and freight, so that all users can reach their destination comfortably and safely–as a necessary intervention to achieve TCI goals.
Corridors selected include Brunswick Avenue, Calhoun Street, East State Street, Hamilton Avenue, North Olden Avenue, Pennington Avenue, and South Broad Street.
This report reviews the benefits of Complete Streets, takes a deep dive into the seven corridors, provides a map summarizing conditions of crosswalks and curb ramps and findings from a block-by-block audit.