THT takes five with Linda Schwimmer
On March 23, THT’s Elena Cromeyer, Project Director for Transforming Communities Initiative, spoke with Linda Schwimmer from the New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute about the recent passage of Tobacco 21 in Trenton. In the brief interview, Ms. Cromeyer answers five questions regarding the new law, including different arguments THT experienced supporting and opposing the law leading up to its passing in February. Read the article here.
Trenton became the 215th city on the United States to adopt Tobacco 21 in February 2017. Effective March 8, 2017, the law raised the minimum legal age to purchase tobacco products and nicotine delivery products to 21 years. This initiative has shown to have many positive public health implications and very low impact to tobacco retailers. To read more about the passing of Tobacco 21, click here.
For a collection of resources regarding Tobacco 21, click here.