ReThink Health’s Strategy Portfolio Pie
Using a pie chart can help to visualize the complete picture of the health “ecosystem” that a multi-sector partnership is serving. In their article Transforming Health Requires Seeing All the Pieces of the Pie, ReThink Health describes their Strategic Portfolio exercise, which has the goal of creating a shared idea among all stakeholders of how to best transform it.
The exercise divides up the different factors that use resources into two categories: urgent needs and vital conditions. Urgent needs are described as things that require immediate attention, examples being homelessness services, addiction services, and acute care for illness or injury. Vital conditions can be described as long term solutions, like education, access to healthy food, safety, stable housing, increasing jobs, wages, and wealth, and prevention of tobacco, alcohol and drug use.
Trenton Health Team is one of six communities working with the ReThink Health Ventures project, where we are working to expand stakeholder engagement, articulate the value proposition for health system transformation in Trenton and apply lessons learned from the Medicaid population to the greater Trenton community. ReThink Health explored the Strategic Portfolio exercise with each of the Ventures sites, and we all came to very similar conclusions: our communities are very reliant on urgent services, and if we want to effectively transform the health ecosystem in our communities there should be more resources invested into vital conditions, which can address the same urgent needs currently consuming the large majority of resources, on a long term scale.
Image: ReThink Health
To read the full article and get a full description of the Strategic Portfolio (pie chart) exercise, click here.