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News & Announcements

New Blog: Trenton Tackles a Taboo–Trauma

New Jersey Health Initiatives is a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. NJHI is dedicated to supporting innovations and driving conversations to build healthier New Jersey communities.

Trenton Health Team is proud of NJHI support through the Upstream Action Acceleration grant, as well as the Communities Moving to Action grant. Our latest NJHI blog focused on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) – such as violence, poverty, neglect, divorce, and incarceration — along with a public conversation and commitment to acknowledge, heal and prevent trauma in our community. Read full THT blog

“For too many Trenton residents, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) – violence, poverty, neglect, divorce, incarceration – are woven into the fabric of their families and their community. Trenton residents are more likely to live in poverty, more likely to drop out of high school, and more likely to be unemployed than others across the state; and children living in poverty are more likely to experience three or more ACEs.

Given the history endured by such marginalized communities, however, addressing issues of trauma and its consequences is difficult. Yet many “behavior” or “criminal” issues facing our community are rooted in toxic stress resulting from adverse childhood experiences…”

