“How Multi-Sector Health Partnerships Evolve”
10 years ago, Trenton Health Team was formed in response to an immediate need in the community- the closing of Mercer Medical Center. The birth of THT represented a multi-sector health partnership: two competing hospitals, the federally-qualified health center, and city health department put aside their rivalries to focus on their shared commitment to serving Trenton, NJ. Today, THT has over 60 partners, representing all arenas, including government, education, health, and faith-based sectors.
This example opened the cross-post from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) blog, where ReThink Health highlights their previously published Pulse Check on Multi-Sector Partnerships report to explore how health-focused partnerships evolve throughout their different phases. The post, titled How Multi-Sector Health Partnerships Evolve, continues into detail about other partnerships and their findings from their report.
They found that most are fairly new (started in 2010 or after), and details the actions, potential pitfalls, and momentum builders that are common among partnerships in their early, middle, or late phases.
Image: Rethink Health, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
The report’s recommendations can help partnerships look at the bigger picture, anticipate potential obstacles, and organize efforts instead of working in silos. The recommendations can also inform funders, policymakers, and other allies helping to build the capacity of these partnerships.