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Building a Culture of Health: What is the Health Care System’s Role?

In an article published in the Health Affairs blog, the role of the health care system in building a Culture of Health was discussed.  The article offers two versions of a hub-and-spoke model (pictured below, credit: Health Affairs) to illustrate the different ways the healthcare system is currently collaborating with social service organizations to improve population health and reduce costly care for patients, and contemplates which model may be the most effective.

One version of the model places the health care system at the hub, with social service organizations contracted to provide services outside of traditional treatment needs (housing, nutrition support, etc.).  The other looks at the health care system as a spoke alongside many other communtiy organizations, with local government or other community organization championing as the hub.

Figure 1 from Defining The Health Care System’s Role In Addressing Social Determinants of Public Health (Health Affairs blog).hub-and-spoke-rwjf-article


For more information, read Defining The Health Care System’s Role In Addressing Social Determinants And Population Health
