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News & Announcements

Join us for a webinar on March 10, 2015 at 11:00 AM EDT, offered in partnership with the National Council on Behavioral Health

The Kick-off Webinar will provide a quick overview about trauma-informed care, the structure of this project, and next steps for getting involved.

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About the project: The Trenton Health Team has been awarded a two-year grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to support a far-ranging educational and training program in trauma-informed care. This project will provide training for health care providers, emergency responders, educators, and others to address adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress in the Trenton community. Principal objectives for the Foundations for a Trauma-Informed Culture of Health project are to:

  • Build awareness regarding the impact of trauma on our community.
  • Increase competence in handling this issue among frontline staff in a range of settings that go well beyond the traditional behavioral healthcare environment, to include schools, emergency rooms, outpatient clinics, and law enforcement.
  • Increase the use of ACE and behavioral screenings, administered in a trauma-informed and culturally/linguistically appropriate way, supported by a referral protocol that will connect more residents to the services they need.

For more information about the webinar or the grant-funded project, contact Martha Davidson, Director of Development, at 609-256-4555, x172 or [email protected].

About the Trenton Health Team
Trenton Health Team (THT) is an alliance of the city’s major providers of healthcare services including Capital Health, St. Francis Medical Center, Henry J. Austin Health Center and the city’s Health Department. In collaboration with residents and the city’s active social services network, THT is developing an integrated healthcare delivery system to transform the city’s fragmented primary care system and restore health to the city. THT aims to make Trenton the healthiest city in the state. The THT receives generous support from The Nicholson Foundation, corporate partners and other foundations. For more information, visit

