Help Make Brunswick Avenue Safer! Join Our Community Workshop Monday May 13 (en español)
Join Trenton Health Team, local mural artist Leon Rainbow and Street Plans designers for a community workshop to make Southard and N. Montgomery intersections safer. en español
What: Community Workshop (refreshments will be served)
When: 5 pm – 7:30 pm Monday May 13
Where: Lincoln Homes Community Center, 207 Old Rose street
Together, we will design ways to make those problem streets safer, easier to cross and better looking. We will collaborate to develop solutions that are effective, creative and fun.
For more information, contact THT Community Health & Wellness Manager Matthew Broad 609-256-4555 x122
And mark your calendar for upcoming neighborhood events: en español
Brunswick Avenue Day — Noon – 3 pm Saturday June 15 MLK Park (rain date June 16)
Battle Monument Farmers Markets — EVERY Wednesday 10:30 am – 1:30 pm June 19 through August 7
Brunswick Avenue Street Design Event — Saturday June 29