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2023 Highlights

As we reflect on 2023, it’s with great pride that we present some of of our organization’s greatest highlights of the year. We’re excited to share the impactful achievements that have propelled THT forward and continue to inspire our work in creating a healthier and more just future for our greater Trenton community.

  • Provided support to nearly 700 people through outreach by THT Community Health Workers (CHWs). These staff members provided linkages to critical health and social service resources. Each of those individuals and families has a story to share. I hope you will take a moment to learn about Tamara’s story and how our CHW Kalisha impacted her life by watching our video here.
  • Partnered with Medicaid, as one of NJ’s four certified Regional Health Hubs, to ensure that our community gets and keeps the coverage they depend on.  This included keeping the coverage residents have had through the pandemic or newly enrolling under expanded eligibility for children that does not consider immigration status.
  • Received national recognition from the White House in President Biden’s Social Determinants of Health Playbook.  THT, as part of NJ’s Regional Health Hub program, was cited as an exemplar of one of its three pillars – supporting backbone organizations to “reduce health disparities and improve health outcomes by combining robust connections to social services and community resources at both the patient and organizational levels.” Access the full playbook here
  • Successfully completed the Family Connects universal nurse home visiting pilot program for Mercer County families who have given birth at Capital Health. THT and our partners provided services to 1,074 new parents and laid the groundwork for the statewide rollout of the program that began this month. Learn more about Family Connects in NJ here
  • Continue to prioritize the cutting-edge work of our Data and Analytics team to draw critical insights from proprietary and publicly-available data.  This analysis guides work by THT and our many community partners in mapping areas of food insecurity, social needs within the Medicaid population, and understanding maternal health risk factors, among other areas that can benefit from demographic mapping and analysis. 
  • Received recognition by the NJ Office of the Food Security Advocate, for THT’s work on food insecurity in the greater Trenton community.  We have subsequently been requested to replicate our innovative approach in other counties across the state. You can learn more about our food work at

Trenton Health Team (THT) leads innovative, cross-sector projects to support the health and well-being of the greater Trenton community. Founded in 2006 as a unique collaboration among Trenton’s two acute care hospitals; the city’s only Federally Qualified Health Center; and the City of Trenton’s Department of Health & Human Services, our work now addresses a broad range of issues that affect community health, including housing quality, food security, neighborhood safety, education, vibrant public spaces, nurturing environments, social cohesion, and equity.

THT is funded by government and private grants along with the contributions of generous individuals.  We currently have a staff of more than 40, including 10 Community Health Workers, and are governed by a 19-member board.